

Baía das Gatas Festival

jul 11, 2024
The dates of the 40th edition of the Baía das Gatas Festival on the island of São Vicente are finally known: the festivities will take place from Thursday, August 15 to Sunday, August 18. The program is still unknown to this day.

More planes, at last!

dec 2, 2023
In recent months it had become more difficult to find flights between the islands, with domestic connections being operated by only one airline which only worked with one aircraft... And in recent days, the situation was becoming truly chaotic, all flights were systematically delayed by a few hours - not to mention the strike observed by staff for two days.

But the company Bestfly Cabo Verde (TICV) has announced the very soon arrival of two additional planes, which should finally ease traffic flow and allow us to breathe: the first plane will be operational from December 4, before being joined ten days later by a second ATR72.

Dengue fever returning?

nov 17, 2023
In Cape Verde, the mention of the word dengue fever makes one shudder: in 2009, the southern islands of the archipelago recorded nearly 21,000 cases, including more than 150 in the severe form and 6 deaths. Since then, health authorities have launched mosquito eradication campaigns every year.

Since this crisis, only three new isolated cases had been detected in 2017, then there was the Covid pandemic with a much heavier toll.

However, in this month of November 2023, several cases have been reported in Praia on the island of Santiago as well as on the island of Fogo and to date only two of them have been confirmed by analyzes; after being hospitalized, the two patients returned home.

Update of December 2, 2023: since the writing of this article, 32 cases have been confirmed for 139 cases detected, with a main focus on the island of Fogo (89 cases) and another in Santiago, more precisely in the capital Praia (40 cases).

The authorities have already carried out information and disinfestation campaigns.

We have just spent a week in Praia where we did not see a single mosquito, with a record of zero bites.

Even islands without any recorded cases have organized preventive campaigns by cleaning abandoned houses or houses under construction, this is the case for example of the town of Mindelo on São Vicente.

No reason to panic however (over the last six months, more than 1,500 cases have been detected in France), but to be on the safe side, remember to travel with mosquito repellent in your suitcase, as well as a light, long-sleeved item of clothing.
And waders or long rubber boots.

No, we're kidding, no boots or waders.

Cast off

nov 17, 2023
For a short week, Mindelo hosted the ARC+ regatta, made up of around a hundred beautiful sailboats carrying around 400 British, Dutch, German and Scandinavian participants.

It was an opportunity for them to discover the festive atmosphere of Mindelo and to fall under the spell of the landscapes of the neighboring island of Santo Antão where we had the pleasure of accompanying them.

After stocking up on fresh produce, the sailboats are currently leaving Porto Grande to set off towards the island of Grenada, which they should reach in around twelve days. Good luck and see you next year!

Covid: it's OVER!

sep 15, 2022
The government of Cape Verde announced today September 15, 2022 the immediate cancellation of all anti-Covid restrictions in the archipelago.

Wearing a mask is no longer compulsory anywhere (it was still compulsory in transport) with the exception of hospitals and health establishments.

To come to Cape Verde, vaccination tests or certificates are no longer required (be careful, however, for your return flight, find out about the entry conditions in the transit or destination countries).

Similarly, inter-island travels (by air or by sea) no longer require the presentation of anti-Covid tests or vaccination certificates.

The Covid page is therefore officially turned, we can only rejoice. With a thought for those who have disappeared and for those who are still suffering from the crisis that the pandemic has caused.

Nothing against some music?

apr 29, 2022
With the return to a normal situation, Cape Verde is finally witnessing the return of music festivals.

This weekend the "festas de São Filipe" take place on the island of Fogo, it is one of the biggest popular fiestas in the archipelago, with in particular its famous horse races. On this occasion, a major music festival is held in the city and brings together around thirty artists.

At the same time another festival is held in Picos inside the island of Santiago.

Better known, the Gamboa festival will return the third week of May in Praia.

After two canceled editions, the Atlantic Music Expo will be held from June 13 to 16 in the capital, preceded by a brand new decentralized session on the island of São Vicente in Mindelo from June 9 to 11. The AME is above all a show dedicated to music professionals, but many concerts and events are organized on occasion.

The Baía das Gatas Festival is probably the most famous: after two online editions, the festival will finally resume its rights by the sea in August, the dates are not yet known.

It will be followed the following month by the Festival of Santa Maria on the island of Sal, on September 16 and 17.

Finally, we unfortunately don't know anything about one of the most promising festivals with still very ambitious programming: the Kriol Jazz Festival was to be held in Praia and Sal, but it seems that we will have to wait until 2023...

Back to normal!

apr 29, 2022
At the end of April, the country had only around fifteen active positive cases, with an average of two-three new cases per day, without hospitalization. The last Covid-related death dates back several months.

As a result, the government has canceled the obligation to wear a mask, indoors and outdoors, except in health establishments and on public transport.

The vaccination pass is no longer required at the entrance to cultural or sporting events. However, it remains mandatory before any trip, by sea or air, domestic or international.

The vaccine in Cape Verde

apr 29, 2022
The archipelago can boast of being one of the five best vaccinated countries on the African continent: 98% of the adult population received a first dose, 84% a second dose, 20% the booster dose. 12-17 year olds are 70% vaccinated.

Thanks to the solidarity of its partners, Cape Verde received a total of just over a million doses.

The end of the nightmare

sep 9, 2021
Here is an update on the health situation in Cape Verde at the beginning of September 2021.

The archipelago has not experienced the equivalent of what was the fourth wave in Europe: on the contrary, the summer of 2021 was a period with an extremely low number of infections. The islands were then recovering from a third wave that had lasted three months, from early April to early July, with a peak of 400 contaminations reported daily. Cape Verde has experienced an almost normal summer season, with the influx of many emigrants (Cape Verdeans living abroad) returning for the holidays, but without returning to pre-crisis tourist frequentation.

The vaccination campaign started in the second quarter is continuing and some islands or regions (such as Paúl on Santo Antão or Tarrafal on São Nicolau) are already showing rates of 90% (one or two doses) among eligible populations. The vaccines continue to arrive thanks to donations from friendly countries (EU, France, Portugal, Denmark, Hungary, Slovenia), it is mainly the Astrazeneca vaccine.

To avoid further contamination while facilitating the stay of travelers, Cape Verde has implemented the equivalent of a health pass ("NhaCard", literally "my card"): access to certain places is not possible. allowed only after presentation of vaccination status (one or two doses), a recent antigen test or a certificate of recovery after infection. This system also governs domestic and international transport.

Foreign travelers can present the health pass from their country of origin (European health pass); unvaccinated, they must present recent antigenic tests to be carried out in health structures (before taking the boat or plane) or in private laboratories (comfort tests).

Please note, however, that the European health pass is currently only accepted if the final injection is at least 14 days old or 28 days for Johnson & Johnson.

Wearing a mask remains mandatory outdoors and in public places, the use of hydroalcoholic gel is facilitated by the provision of distributors at the entrance of commercial establishments.

Since the outbreak of Covid on the world stage, Cape Verde has recorded a total of 35,000 cases and mourned the deaths of 317 infected. The virus also caused the abrupt halt to economic activities, the most important of which was tourism which generated a quarter of GDP and provided tens of thousands of jobs.

Borders are open

oct 13, 2020
Since October 12, Cape Verde has reopened its borders, with international air and sea connections being allowed again.

Like many other countries in the world, the archipelago had isolated itself to avoid the spread of Covid-19: on March 18, Cape Verde closed its borders for a minimum period of 3 weeks. This measure will therefore have lasted seven months, during which it nevertheless evolved to allow Cape Verdean citizens and foreign residents to travel under certain conditions.

Please note, however, that only passengers who have performed a negative PCR test in the last 72 hours before travel will be allowed to board. Children under 7 don't need to present a COVID-19 test.

The passengers shall also fill a form before the boarding pass is issued, here is the link to get the form.

Likewise, depending on the country of origin, they might be required to perform a new PCR test or / and a quarantine period upon their return.

And now?

aug 25, 2020
Here is the situation in Cape Verde on August 25: the archipelago recorded 37 deaths linked to Covid-19, the majority of victims also suffered from other serious pathologies. There are currently nearly 900 active cases and 2,600 fully recovered patients.

The island of Santiago and the city of Praia in particular concentrate most (80%) of the recorded cases, with nevertheless an infection which remains worrying on the island of Sal (15%) and a few new cases on Fogo.

Better equipped than its neighbors, São Vicente regularly receives patients from other islands, but, just like in Santo Antão, there has been no case of community infection for several months.

In this context, sea and air links within the archipelago are authorized but only after presentation of the results of rapid tests (or even PCR in certain cases). Large gatherings are prohibited in Cape Verde, parties and small gatherings are prohibited on the islands of Santiago and Sal. Wearing a mask is compulsory in public places and recommended on public roads.

International connections are limited: TAP operates flights to São Vicente and Santiago, these connections are reserved for Cape Verdean citizens or foreigners residing/working/having family in Cape Verde.

After having been announced and pushed back several times, the date of the full reopening of the borders is not yet known.

Postponed reopening

jun 23, 2020
The government announced today that the date for resuming international flights, previously scheduled for July 1, has been postponed. No aircraft will enter or leave Cape Verde before August (no further details at this time). Inter-island flights are maintained.

Reopening borders...

jun 22, 2020
What about regarding the health situation in Cape Verde?

The country experienced a period of confinement, the duration of which varied according to the islands, depending on the cases of contamination. The situation was generally well controlled - obviously with some issues, as in many countries. There was no health disaster, hospitals were not overwhelmed by the serious cases.

As of June 22, the death toll was 8 for nearly a thousand cases of contamination since the start of the crisis, 80% of cases have been detected on the island of Santiago, 12% in Sal, 6% in Boa Vista. There was only one case on the island of São Vicente, four on Santo Antão. To date, 515 active cases are still managed by the health authorities, mainly on Santiago and Sal, two islands which have recently experienced a critical increase in cases. The deaths affected elderly people or people affected by other pathologies, as well as a woman weakened by a recent cesarean.

Closed since March 18, the borders should reopen on July 1. Likewise, domestic air links should reopen on June 30, as maritime links did some weeks ago. Travelers from abroad will not be subjected to any test or quarantine, hotel establishments will have to comply with strict distancing and cleaning measures. Masks are compulsory in shops and in public places.

The Cape Verdean government has warned that it could delay this reopening of the country if the situation worsens in the archipelago or in the countries of origin of travelers.

Closed for three weeks

mar 17, 2020
Faced with the multiplication of cases of contamination in Europe, the Cape Verdean government has decided to ban all flights from countries at risk, including Portugal, Brazil, USA, France, Spain, etc.

The same measure is applied to cruise ships or sailboats, they will not be able to dock in the archipelago.

This ban will be effective from March 18 and will last a minimum of three weeks.

No case of contamination with Covid-19 has been recorded in Cape Verde.

If you had booked a stay during this period, please contact us.

No virus in Cape Verde

mar 9, 2020
As of March 9, 2020, no case of Coronavirus infection had been reported in Cape Verde islands. The previous week, health authorities had checked a suspect case which quickly turned out to be negative.

As everywhere in the world, rumors circulate on social networks and charlatans spread fake news to gain followers , at the risk of creating panic among the population.

The government has recently taken measures to limit the risks of importing Covid-19 into the archipelago: at the end of February, all flights from or to Italy were canceled. At the beginning of March, due to the increase in cases in this US state, the Washington-Praia air flights were suspended.

Atlantic Music Expo in Praia

apr 8, 2019
Cape Verde Trekking and Cape Verde Now are happy to be partners of the 7th edition of the Atlantic Music Expo which starts today. On the program, conferences and workshops, professional meetings between producers, artists, journalists and cultural agents, showcases.

These next 4 days, many artists (see the list below) will give free outdoor showcases in the streets of the capital of Cape Verde.

Lucia de Carvalho (Angola), Neuza (Cape Verde), Djam Neguin (Cape Verde), Qualité Motel (Canada), Kristel (Madagascar), Nancy Vieira (Cape Verde), Guiss Guiss Bou Bess (Senegal), Danae Estrela (Cabo Verde), Mohamadou Kouaté (Senegal / Italy), Manolo (Cape Verde), Basheer (Egypt), Soul Bang (Guinea), Monica Pereira (Cape Verde), Ga da Lomba (Cape Verde), Continuadores (Mozambique), Fredy V & The Foundation (Cape Verde), Djilou e banda (Cape Verde), Cris Pereira (Brazil), Beth & Patricia Carvalho (Cape Verde), Mariama (France), Tiloun (Reunion), Elida Almeida (Cape Verde), Miroca Paris (Cape Verde), Bongeziwe Mabandla (South Africa), La Yegros (Argentina).

Visa: one more time?

dec 14, 2018
The Cape Verdean government has announced that EU and UK nationals will be exempted from visa requirements for short stays (up to 30 days). Travelers will have to register on an official site a few days before departure.

In practice, after being announced successively for May 1, 2017, January 1, 2018 and May 1, 2018, the measure was only to be applied from January 1, 2019, it was guaranteed.

But on December 14, 2018, we still have no information that would validate the change on January 1: no official site for prior declarations and the Border Police continues to issue visas for stays starting beyond January 1st. In the absence of official confirmation, it is therefore very possible to imagine that there will be a new postponement.

We invite you to consult the information published on this site to know how to obtain your visa:

In addition, we do not know if the new airport security tax will be applied from January 1st.

Visa: one more time?

dec 14, 2018
The Cape Verdean government has announced that EU and UK nationals will be exempted from visa requirements for short stays (up to 30 days). Travelers will have to register on an official site a few days before departure.

In practice, after being announced successively for May 1, 2017, January 1, 2018 and May 1, 2018, the measure was only to be applied from January 1, 2019, it was guaranteed.

But on December 14, 2018, we still have no information that would validate the change on January 1: no official site for prior declarations and the Border Police continues to issue visas for stays starting beyond January 1st. In the absence of official confirmation, it is therefore very possible to imagine that there will be a new postponement.

We invite you to consult the information published on this site to know how to obtain your visa:

In addition, we do not know if the new airport security tax will be applied from January 1st.

An amazing video!

mar 7, 2015
Here a stunning video to start to feel what you will discover on the island of Santo Antão. It lasts a little less than four minutes, take the time to look it under comfortable conditions, it will cut your breath. Enjoy!

The secret islands

jun 13, 2014
A wonderful exhibition is currently displayed at the Governer’s Palace (up the Rua de Lisboa, in Mindelo) until December, about the desert island of Santa Luzia and the small islands of Raso and Branco.

The event is organised by Biosfera, a Capeverdean NGO striving to protect the environment, which fought against the slaughter of Cory's shearwaters. The design and display of the exhibition is remarkable, but not as much as its rich content: beautiful pictures, interesting videos, and explanatory texts in English and Portuguese.

Do not miss this exhibition under any circumstance, if you are in Mindelo.

Everyday but Sunday, from 9am to 4pm.


dec 24, 2013
The United Nations Organisation are currently financing a project in Cape Verde that should anticipate climatic changes. For the record, current forecasts predict an augmentation of temperatures of two and a half degree Celsius up to the end of the century and a precipitation decrease of 25% within 30 years.

Those changes would be rather disastrous for this small insular country, bearing in mind water is already scarce: a shorter rain season, a longer dry season with more frequent droughts... To complete this apocalyptic image, the country would experience stronger storms and intense flooding. Needless to say, agriculture and tourism - beside the population, of course - would be the first victims of these climatic changes.

Through the UNDP, the United Nations launched an Aloe Vera ("Babosa") planting program in Porto Novo and Ribeira Grande on the island of Santo Antão. More than 80 hectares of land, levelled into terraced fields, are now the home to about 273000 plants of Aloe Vera!

Why Aloe Vera? It is a natural weapon against erosion, as it facilitates the infiltration of water in the soil, therefore contributing to the regeneration of groundwater reserves. Beside its multiple use in pharmacology, cosmetic and even nutrition, Aloe Vera doesn't need to be protected from goats, as they don't like its taste - it's the perfect plant.

Two years without her

dec 17, 2013
A bit more than two years ago, Cesária Évora left us. I heard the news as I walked by her house - there were a few people standing in front of the door. The star that was admitted into hospital the previous day had just faded away.

It just took a few minutes for the news to spread through the city - already, streets sellers were selling portraits of her. It just took a few hours for the world to find out about the passing of the barefoot diva.

The song you can discover here makes a strong statement: it's Cesária who introduced tiny winy Cape Verde to the vast continents. Before she interpreted Sodade, the rest of the world didn't know anything about this small country; it's her Creole and her voice that put the name of the archipelago on every mouth: in France, Russia, China, Peru, Norway, U.S.A, Turkey...

This video is a vibrant tribute to she who did every Cape Verdean (either from the archipelago or living abroad) proud. Allow us to salute the authors of the video, who managed, with very little, to demonstrate the respect and proudness the diva made them feel.

On the 17th of December 2013, the Cape Verdean radios were broadcasting songs from Cesária - some just her music. The city of Mindelo put on a white veil this day; even the Harmattan, this dry fog, attended the ceremony.

Watch the tribute of Leader Vocal:

(Translated from the french site Mindelo Info

British Santo Antão?

dec 11, 2013
Here's a little historic anecdote our British readership can relate to: how the inhabitants of the island of Santo Antão almost became subjects of Her Majesty the Queen of England.

Dom Pedro III, King of Portugal, gave the island to the Marquis of Gouveia. About twenty years later, in 1724, ruined by his frivolous escapades and after having abducted a young girl already married to a Portuguese aristocrat, the Marquis took refuge in England, mortgaged its possessions and finally sold them for the benefit of the English.

The 4th of December 1724, an English boat disembarked in Santo Antão, met little resistance, and start settling in. Backup (allegedly with weapons and cannons) was on its way - but in Lisbon, fearing the English would fortify the island and take over the neighbour island of São Vicente, the King Dom João V of Portugal sends troops over: on the 20th of June 1725, the English are expelled of Santo Antão, that re-becomes a Portuguese territory.

Minimum Wage

jun 29, 2013
On the 28th of June 2013, the government, social partners and trade unions agreed on minimum wage: they settled for 11,000 Escudos per month (100? / £83 / $136).

It's a bit more than what the government and employers were recommending (10,000 CVE) - disunited, the trade unions were demanding from 10,000 to 16,000 CVE, depending on the business sector.

The Cape Verdean press often dealt with certain unscrupulous employers who paid paupers' wages to their employees - the Chinese shop owners are particularly criticised.

The statutory working time is 44 hours per week; social benefits charges are split between the employer and the employee, respectively 15% and 8%, paid to the INPS (National Institute for Social Planning)

(Source: Cap-Vert.TV)

Mindelo Pride

jun 24, 2013
The town of Mindelo on São Vicente hosted the very first Cape Verdean edition of the Gay Pride: a photo exhibition, a film festival and conferences took place from the 24th until the 29th of June 2013. The gay and lesbian community of Mindelo aimed to offer a forum for discussion and a platform to raise awareness on topics such as equality, same rights and respect of sexual diversity.

A big parade in the streets of Mindelo was followed by a closing party, the first of its kind on Cape Verdean soil, and hopefully not the last.

The São João

jun 23, 2013
It's time to update our Cape Verdean "to-see" list: the country will open a new museum dedicated to the São João fest (on the 24th of June). The IIPC (Instituto da Investigação e do Património Culturais) announced the near opening of this museum in Porto Novo.

Deeply rooted in Santo Antão where it is one of the most vibrant and typical cultural events of the year, the São João fest is a mix of religious and pagan rituals.

It starts with a procession between Ribeira das Patas and Porto Novo. To the sound of drums and whistles, the statue of the Saint is carried around, during 6 to 7 hours (daytime), by an exulting crowd. Two days later, the pilgrims undertake the journey back, not without having danced the famous Colá San Jon - so suggestive it was banned under colonial administration). Fires are lighted and the crowd encourages the most audacious to jump over it; a few glasses of grogue surely helps!

The São João is also celebrated on São Vicente (a bit further away from the centre, in a zone called Riberia de Julião); in São Nicolau (Praia Branca) and on Brava. It is followed by the São Pedro on the 29th of June.

Towards a 100% coverage

jun 9, 2013
In Cape Verde, the national company Electra is the one managing the electricity network of the entire archipelago. As the country grows and develops, the company has to meet bigger and bigger needs, by building new power plants or improving the ones already working.

However, some zones in some islands are still not connected to the electricity grid, or can just use it a few hours per day.

On Santo Antão, the coverage reaches 90%, with local disparities depending on the areas. Three localities well known by hikers were finally connected to the regional electricity grid; until then, Lombo de Figueira, Água das Caldeiras e Ribeirão Fundo were using a generator that would regularly break down. The inhabitants are surely enjoying something we don't usually consider a luxury, electricity available 24 hour per day.

As to limit its dependence to the fluctuation of oil prices, Cape Verde aims at improving its production of renewable energy; since a few months, the small and isolated village of Monte Trigo, in the Western part of Santo Antão, is provided with photovoltaic energy. The village is fully self-sufficient and was able to store the old generator running on diesel, and its 5 hours of daily electricity.

Tourist tax

may 9, 2013
Our prices include the tourist tax that applies to every accommodation business, regardless of its size, since the 1rst May 2013.

This tax will be used to fund the development of infrastructures (roads, energy, water supply, sanitation...)

On the 10th of Mai 2013, the government extended the tax to all kind of accommodation business, even for homestay or holiday flat rental.

All our proposals sent from the 1rst of Mai 2013 include this tax.

Sad news

apr 24, 2013
We were saddened to learn of the passing of our friend Carlos, who was a guide on his island of Fogo - no doubt that his spirit will accompany his friends during their ascension of the Pico, which he was so much fond of.

A new museum in Fogo

mar 18, 2013
During his first official visit on the island of Fogo, the minister of Culture, Mario Lucio, announced the creation of a museum devoted to the culture of coffee, in the city of Mosteiros.

Mosteiros is in deed the area with the biggest amount of coffee trees (with about a 100 producers) on Fogo, island with the highest peak of the archipelago (2829 metres).

The production of this Arabica type of coffee, introduced in the archipelago something like 2 centuries ago, remains small-scaled - about 50 tons per year, its reputation managed to cross the seas. Recently, a consortium composed of Dutch investors and Cape Verdean producers set up a program aiming at improving and increasing the production, with, in the short run, the objective to plan 200,000 new plants.

The museum should be unveiled to the public in August 2013.

Source: Cap-Vert.TV

Hydroponics in Cape Verde

mar 18, 2013
The National School for Hydroponics harvested for the first time its greenhouses located in Praia, the capital of Cape Verde.

Except a few experiences in São Vicente and Sal, soilless agriculture remains marginal within the archipelago - that disposes of only 20% of arable land, and where the scarce water hinders the development of many areas.

With this first harvest since its creation, mid-2011, the ENHCV officialises the beginning of its activities. The lessons will be used as a platform to exchange information and tips regarding this first experience, along with trainers and professionals of the field. The School intends to finance itself by selling fruits and vegetables and by growing and producing species that remain unknown in the archipelago.
Source: Cap-Vert.TV

More passengers

feb 1, 2013
1 019 992, that's the number of passengers who transited in 2012 through the 4 international airports of Cape Verde. Thanks to the multiplication of charter flights, it's the first time that the symbolic step of a million passengers has been reached - it increased of 13% since 2011.

The airport of Sal attracts the biggest number of passengers (39%), followed closely by Boa Vista (34%) and by Santiago/Praia (21%). The airport of São Vicente/Mindelo gathers only 4% of the passengers - probably at is was recently opened to the international traffic.

The only airline company connecting the islands between each other, the TACV, observed a fall of 6% in the national traffic - with a larger choice of international flights, the travellers directly reach the island of their choice.


A free country

jan 23, 2013
Published each year since about 40 years, the ranking of the American NGO Freedom House draws up a state of the world from a political aspect, by giving a mark to each country according to their efforts to guaranty democracy, individual and collective liberties. The marks go from 1 (excellent) to 7 (very bad).

According to the 2013 ranking, Cape Verde achieved the best score, along with 48 other states, a characteristic of truly free countries. It's the only African country to get a 1 - although other countries in Africa were rated 2, which is still a sign of a free country.

Freedom House judges a country is free when the political competition is open, when collective and individual liberties are respected, when both civic life and media are independent.

A protected city

jan 22, 2013
Enlisted as a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 2009, the city of Cidade Velha (also called Ribeira Grande) on the island of Santiago will benefit from new actions aiming at protecting its historic and authentic character.

Seen as the cradle of the Cape Verdean identity, as a platform for trade slavery, as a site of uppermost importance in intercontinental trade, the small city will be under the supervision of the UNESCO, which will make sure the site is protected and highlighted. From the Cape Verdean point of view, this is a powerful argument to develop cultural tourism, sill not attracting many tourists on the island of Santiago.

The management committee recommended some major changes, in order to develop the protection of the site: improve the access to the monuments and archeological sites (21 have been identified), improve the signage, include the local communities with the protection program and finally, transfer the pigsties that are still located in the protected zone (210 hectares + 2000 hectares of buffer zone).

This program is meant to continue the efforts already accomplished the 10 last years, such as the renovation of the major monuments of the town and of its surroundings. Archeological research is regularly undertaken and brings up new discoveries that help understand and write the history of the country.

The town is wonderful and is worth a visit. Why not take advantage of our hikes, for instance The Azure, The Off-beat or even The Rythm.

The Harmattan

jan 9, 2013
The archipelago is sometimes visited by the Harmattan, a dry wind coming from West Africa. Carrying dust, it considerably reduces - if not hinders - the visibility. When the Harmattan blows, many flights must be cancelled and sometimes, international airports must close - also, as to avoid damages in the plane engines, caused by the micro-particles of dust.

The Harmattan also disturbs the maritime traffic, and the authorities usually forbid crafts to set out to sea, unless they are equipped with radars.

The archipelago may experience that kind of windy episodes once or twice per year, from December to April - they usually last three to four days.

Agricultural festival in Santo Antão

jan 8, 2013
A big agricultural fair took place on the 15th and 16th of January 2013 in the small town of Ponta do Sol, to the Northeast of the island of Santo Antão.
It was a lot of fun, and a great opportunity to discover everything that is produced on the island: fruits, vegetables, cattle, jams, cheeses, coffee, alcohol, handcraft...

Mindelo: theatre

aug 26, 2012
Like every year since 1995, Mindelo hosts in September the annual theatre festival Mindelact.

For the 2013 edition, the festival offered plays and shows created by Cape Verdean and foreign companies: from Brazil, Angola, Spain, France, Portugal, Italy... From the 7th till the 15th of September, 40 cultural events were programmed: street theatre, shows for children, workshops...

During one week, Mindelo vibrated, as usual, to the rhythm of this cultural event - do not miss next edition!

Music festival in Santo Antão

aug 22, 2012
Unless its sisters São Nicolau and Sal, the island of Santo Antão maintained the 2013 edition of its music festival: like every summer, it took place on the beach of Curraletes, a few kilometers away from Porto Novo.

From the 24th of 26th of August, this festival was a great opportunity to party Cape Verdean style in an authentic atmosphere.

A festival-less São Nicolau

aug 22, 2012
The municipality of Tarrafal, in São Nicolau (let's be precise: there are many Tarrafals in Cape Verde), cancelled the 2013 edition of its yearly music festival, usually taking place on the Praia de Tedja. This followed the decision of another municipality on the island of Sal to cancel its famous festival of Santa Maria.

These decisions are based on economic difficulties and recent municipal elections, and come up after the public opinion was raising questions about the multiplication of these festivals, funded by public money.

The state of the ocean

aug 22, 2012
The scientific magazine Nature recently published a study that can be seen as a review of the seas and oceans of the planet. Beside an analysis of marine ecosystems, the scientists created an index number to classify the well being of oceans, state by state.

More precisely, the ranking is to be understood as a combination of the maritime diversity and how a country manages its territorial seas.
We couldn't wait any second and went directly to check the chapter about Cape Verde. The country reaches the 64th position (the 3rd best in Africa) with rather disparate results, depending on the objectives:

- 62th position for water cleanliness (index: 75, world average: 78)

- 56th position for the state of the biodiversity (index: 86, world average: 83)

- 31th position for the management of fish stocks (index: 27, world average: 24)

Being a small country with a fragile economy, Cape Verde can't afford to start big-scale protection programs; the country gets passing grades or is not noted at all, when it comes to evaluating the protection of coastal environments, the support towards maritime economic activities, etc...